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CASE ANALYSIS_Managing People

CASE ANALYSIS_Managing People


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This is an article that is capable of triggering one’s thoughts and I do find most of the listed points in here to be relevant and very true. If privatization is encouraged, and it happens, it is not going to come ‘cost-less.’ Problem emerges when the Government’s budget starts reducing and it make failed attempts to help all the units of an economy function effectively. The very first point can be laid down regarding ‘user fees’. Many such people, who not earn sufficiently, have to pay user fees (that may or may not be enhanced) to avail very basic services. Such things happen primarily due to outsourcing. Another way of inequality getting increased day by day is regarding contracted workers’ wages and other benefits. This is true that when the employer is Government, labor/ employee exploitation is something that generally has the lowest probability when offering services, but when a private concern is employing, then, it order to cut labor cost, the employer will likely reduce wages as well as cut the other basic benefits as well. Many concerns may even deny providing the minimum necessities of daily livelihood.